Carnot Communications

Carnot Communications is happy to announce a new branch: Carnot Publications.  Our first publication is Voices for Vermont Yankee. This book and e-book is available at Amazon.  Voices for Vermont Yankee makes an important contribution toward balancing the debate about Vermont’s energy future. This book records the voices of many ordinary citizens who are in favor of continuing operation of Vermont’s only nuclear power plant. Order it through Amazon, or read more about it on our new Carnot Publications page. 


Carnot Services for our Clients

You need to communicate the benefits of your technology to your intended audience.  We can help.  

We will help you

●  Increase public understanding and support for a controversial technology. 

●  Bring a new technology to market.

We listen. We listen to you in order to understand your goals, and we listen to your audience to address their concerns.  By listening first, we build communications that work for you!     

We use traditional public relations methods and modern social networking tools to achieve your business objectives. 


Copywriting and Public Relations

 Write press releases, white papers, success stories, e-newsletters, brochures, advertising copy and website content.

 Arrange press coverage for positive events.

 Provide clear explanations of technical issues for lobbyists and lawyers.

Social Networking Campaigns

● Find your hidden adherents and mobilize their support through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

● Use special-purpose networking sites, such as environmental or medical sites, as appropriate.

● Track and monitor relevant blogs.

Speakers Bureau

● Provide speakers on conservation, renewable resources, nuclear energy, fossil fuel pollution control and conservation topics.

● Lead training and education sessions for staff or members of the public.

● Participate in panels and public debates. 

Copyright 2010-2013 by Meredith Joan Angwin
Carnot COmmunications